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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Student Organizations

LAOS PROTOS – Student Social Work Organization

The LAOS PROTOS Student Social Work Organization is a student-led service organization for all Social Work majors. All Social Work students are encouraged to be active in this organization as it provides extracurricular learning activities as well as a chance to develop social relationships with other future Social Work professionals. Laos Protos is represented on the 网赌最好最大平台 Student Council, the student governing body which acts as an intermediary council between students, faculty and administration. Laos Protos is also represented on the Social Work Advisory Council which has a voice in formulating and modifying program policies.
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Our Motto: People First

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” – 1 Peter 4:10

Mission Statement

The mission of LAOS PROTOS of Kentucky Christian University is to develop a responsible concern about the present and future development of Social Work professionals.

To fulfill this mission, we will:

  • Promote opportunities for the enrichment of the member’s social and spiritual growth and
    the cultivation of individual talent;
  • Develop service projects which reflect a commitment to promoting both Christian and Social Work values;
  • Provide opportunities for exposure to diversity and to the many faces of the profession of Social Work.

Laos Protos:
President – Vacant
Vice President – Vacant
Secretary – Madelyn Forbes
Treasurer – Lauren Hannah
First-Year Representative (Previously Freshman Representative) – Vacant

Counseling Psychology Student Organization

The newly formed club allows Counseling Psychology students in the program to put action to work.  These students are forming an organization where human services and community service go hand in hand.  They are participating in community food drives, collecting money for local children’s programs by selling snow cones at the home football games, and many more events are in the planning stages.

Psychology Club:
President – Migdal Castro Balderrama (Also student Council Rep)
Vice President – Paul Rodrigues
Secretary/ Treasurer –  Chloe West
Freshman Representative – Zachary Lyons

Well Prepared

“Thank you so much, Dr. Brickey! I was well prepared, both educationally and most importantly, spiritually. I will forever remember this experience. I pray I can continue to make Yancey School of Nursing proud as I practice my career.”

Nephtalie Fleur, Class of 2022